Renew Mindset for CPA Firms

Remember Winning? You are worthy of winning!

Shannon Vincent
March 7, 2022
minute read

Winning can be simple. Define your wins.

Beating the deadlines and achieving success as an accountant

As accountants, we know all too well the stress that comes with deadlines. It's easy to get caught up in the rush of getting everything done on time and forget about the bigger picture - winning.

But what does winning even mean? Winning is waking up on the positive side of the day, setting achievable goals for yourself, taking charge of your day instead of letting your inbox control you, making an impact, and inspiring others. And while it might sound simple, it can be difficult to achieve when the pressure is on.

As March 15th approaches, it's time to start thinking about how to win the deadline. What can you do to celebrate once everything is done and dusted? The first step is defining what winning looks like for you. Here are some examples:

For your firm, winning might mean staying focused on target clients and not letting the squeaky wheels command the day. It might mean avoiding the mad scramble to get everything done at the last minute on the 15th.

For your clients, winning might mean meeting your commitments and communicating clearly with them throughout the process.

For your team, winning might mean walking the talk and being inspired by the clients you've chosen to work with. It might mean making sure that nobody is burned out or overworked.

When the deadline has passed, look to the 16th and beyond. Think about how you can set yourself up to wake up on the winning side of the 15th next time around. It might mean setting more realistic goals, delegating more effectively, or finding ways to manage your stress levels.

At the end of the day, winning isn't just about getting everything done on time. It's about taking control of your work and your life, setting yourself up for success, and inspiring others to do the same.

So, as you prepare for March 15th, remember to define your wins and celebrate them once the deadline has passed!


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About the Author:


Shannon Vincent has dedicated his entire career to working with accountants in various capacities. He has consulted with Top 100 firms to Sole Practitioners, helping them create sustainable and profitable businesses. A member of the California Society of CPAs, he received a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics with an emphasis in accounting from University of California, Santa Barbara, and now resides in the San Francisco Bay Area. Shannon is passionate about helping accountants achieve success in their everyday lives.


About Renew Group:


Are you tired of being on the diet but not seeing results? Most consultants to the CPA Profession do lots of talking and deal in 'fluff'. But there's no accountability and no focus on RESULTS.

t Renew, we start with your numbers. Our firms complete a Pareto for Profit analysis EVERY YEAR, set new targets to improve their profitability and then 'weigh in' regularly. We give you a roadmap to transform the profitability of your accounting firm by accessing our content, collaborating with other firms on a similar path and being held accountable by our coaching team and your peers.

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