CPA Firm Advisory Services

How To Define Your Suite of Advisory Services

Colin Dunn
April 7, 2023
minute read

Breaking Free: How to Transform Your Compliance-Based Accounting Practice into a Thriving Advisory Firm

As a CPA firm, you may be wondering how to define and create a suite of advisory services that aligns with your strengths and provides value to your clients. Advisory services can be a game-changer for your firm and your clients, as they tend to be more profitable and allow you to build deeper relationships with your clients. In this blog post, we will share some tips on how to define your suite of advisory services.

Start by better understanding your clients’ goals

At Renew Group, we believe that a successful advisory practice requires a deep understanding of your clients' needs and goals. To define your suite of advisory services, start by considering the industries and clients you serve, and the unique challenges they face. For example, if you serve clients in the construction industry, you may consider offering advisory services that focus on cost control, cash flow management, and compliance with industry regulations.

Then, think about your own expertise and experience

Next, think about the areas where you have expertise and experience. This could be anything from tax planning and compliance to financial analysis or cash flow planning, or even strategic planning or mentoring. Consider which of these areas would be most valuable to your clients, and how you can leverage your expertise to provide meaningful advice and solutions.

Define your suite of advisory services

Once you have identified the industries and areas of expertise that align with your firm's strengths, it's time to define your suite of advisory services. Start by identifying the core services that you will offer, such as financial analysis, or tax strategy and planning. From there, consider which additional services you can offer to provide even more value to your clients.

For example, you may offer a cash flow analysis service that helps your clients manage their cash flow and optimize their working capital. Or you may offer a business performance monitoring service that helps clients set and track key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure their progress towards their goals. By offering a suite of services that meet the unique needs of your clients, you can differentiate yourself from competitors and build deeper relationships with your clients.

At Renew Group, we ­­­­see accountants offer advisory suites including services such as Streamlined Financial Analysis and Planning, Tailored Tax Strategy, Business Performance Monitoring, and Personalized Support and Guidance.

Develop a Marketing Plan

Once you have defined your suite of advisory services, it is important to develop a marketing plan to promote your services to your target clients. This may include revising your website to position your advisory-led approach, developing marketing materials such as brochures and slide decks, and leveraging social media platforms to reach your target audience.

Your marketing plan should also include strategies for networking and building relationships with potential clients. This may include attending industry events, joining professional organizations, writing regular blog posts and leveraging existing relationships to generate referrals

Ultimately, the success of your advisory services will depend on your ability to effectively communicate the value of your services and build strong relationships with your clients.

Subscribe to Our Newsletter or Book a Meeting

At Renew Group, we specialize in helping accountants build and scale their advisory services. Subscribe to our newsletter to receive regular updates and insights on how to build a successful advisory practice. Alternatively, contact us to book a meeting with one of our experts to discuss how we can help you define and implement a suite of specialized advisory services that meet the needs of your clients.

About the Author: Colin Dunn

Colin Dunn is a co-founder of Renew Group, a leading advisory firm that specializes in helping accountants build and scale their advisory services. With over 25 years of experience in the accounting industry, Colin has helped hundreds of accountants build successful advisory practices and achieve their business goals.

About Renew Group

Renew Group is a leading advisory firm that specializes in helping accountants build and scale their advisory services. Our team of experts works closely with accountants to define and implement a suite of specialized advisory services that meet the needs of their clients and drive profitability for their firm.

By leveraging its rich content library, fostering collaboration within its member community and offering strategic coaching, Renew Group is committed to empowering accountants to become trusted advisors and drive success for their clients.

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