Value Pricing for CPA Firms

ReNew Your Pricing In Time For Tax Season

Shannon Vincent
November 17, 2021
minute read

Many CPA firms are working through pricing for 2022. Price increases of at least 10% seem to be the order of the day as costs increase. Here's our philosophy on pricing:

Your exception list needs to be in the single digits. How many exceptions does a brain surgeon have? Do you want to be your brain surgeon’s exception?

Here is my challenge to you:

  • Full price or free: Nothing in the middle (half-baked pricing)
  • For full price it’s clear: you provide full value, make full margin/profit
  • For free it’s clear: Charitable contribution.

Half-baked pricing creates resentment, busyness and serves your small self. Who wins? We would argue no one.

Colin Dunn and I are running a webinar on December 9th, 1pm Pacific, where pricing will be one of the five keys we'll discuss to help you renew your tax season. You're welcome to join us.

Make it Count!

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