CPA Firm Advisory Services

Accountants: The secret to ending the cycle of never being caught up and being able to run a firm and have a life

Colin Dunn
May 23, 2023
minute read

How a Target Client Only Firm Transforms Your Model and your Life

In our previous blog, we discussed the importance of optimizing time, reducing stress, and gaining a sense of balance. Building on that theme, we shift our focus to identifying target clients within your existing client base. By leveraging Renew's proven systems, you can upgrade your current clients, lead with advisory, and stop the madness of running from deadline to deadline. In this blog, we will explore the benefits of identifying target clients, provide insights on how to identify them, and share strategies for upgrading and retaining them. Let's dive in!


Break the cycle and Stop the Madness:

In today's demanding accounting landscape, constantly chasing new clients may not be the most effective strategy. Most firms we know have MORE THAN ENOUGH clients! Instead, identifying potential target clients within your existing client base offers a range of benefits that can enhance your work-life balance:


·      Lead with Advisory: By focusing on clients who are the best fit for your services and expertise, you can take control of your workflow and avoid spreading yourself too thin. This targeted approach allows you to allocate your time and resources more effectively, reducing stress and increasing productivity.

·      Command Premium Prices: Identifying potential target clients enables you to deepen your understanding of their unique needs and challenges. This, in turn, allows you to provide more personalized support and guidance, fostering stronger client relationships and loyalty. Frankly, that sort of relationship is much more fun!

·      Stop the Madness: By working with clients who align with your firm’s goals and values, you can create a more fulfilling work-life balance. The ability to serve clients effectively and enjoy a sense of personal satisfaction contributes to a happier and more rewarding professional life.


Focus and Work with the Right Clients

To effectively identify target clients within your existing client base, consider the following steps:


·      Analyze client data: Review your client list to identify clients where there is potential for you to add value while gaining leverage. Renew’s Pareto for Profit™ analysis can help you with that. Look for clients who align with your strengths, have a higher lifetime value, and would enjoy and gain value from a year-round experience delivered by your team.

·      Segment your client base: Group your clients based on shared characteristics such as industry, size, complexity, or specific service needs. This segmentation will help you identify clusters of potential target clients that can be approached with tailored strategies.

·      Gut feel: You probably already have a pretty good sense of who your best clients are. But support your gut feel by talking with your team. You might find there are conflicting views on some clients, and you only have half the story!


Upgrading and Retaining Potential Target Clients

Once you have identified your target clients, it's time to implement strategies to upgrade and retain them. Consider the following tactics:


·      Tailored Service Offerings: Develop service packages or solutions specifically designed to address the needs and challenges of potential target clients. Position yourself as their trusted advisor by offering customized solutions that enhance their businesses. Renew firms leverage our year-round, advisory-led templated services to transition their clients onto a subscription model.

·      Proactive Communication: Stay in regular contact with target clients, providing them with valuable insights, industry updates, and proactive advice. Be their go-to resource and demonstrate your commitment to their success. NOTE – this does NOT mean more meetings! Be precious with your time and find new ways to create value.


About Renew


Renew Group’s focus is making tax season less daunting and creating a better life for CPAs by commanding premium pricing with the right clients through leading with advisory services.   Renew’s platform is rich with content & applications, collaboration tools & community engagement plus events.  Renew’s world class coaching and consulting is supported by the fastest and most potent responses in the industry. 

Renew Group firms thrive as profitable modern firms.



Good to Go?

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