CPA Firm Profitability

Generate more target clients by reframing your marketing mindset

Shannon Vincent
November 16, 2022
minute read

Marketing is often an afterthought for many accounting firms. They tend to think about it only when they need new business, which is usually a short-term need.

However, marketing is not a short-term game, and it requires consistency to yield results. Unfortunately, most firms give up before they see any fruit from their marketing efforts.

The key to generating more target clients for your accounting firm is to have a long-term marketing mindset. Playing the long game is essential because marketing is not an overnight success. It takes time, effort, and consistency to build trust and credibility with your target audience. The good news is that there are some low hanging fruits that you can start with to get your marketing game on point.

One of the first things you should do is define your target client in writing.

Share this information with your team and key referral sources. Identifying where you can find more of them is also crucial. This can include associations, bankers, B2B relationships, and more. Talk to your existing clients and ask where they spend their time and who influences their decisions. This can help you get a better understanding of your target audience and what they need.

Joining and engaging in the industry association of your target clients is also a great way to expand your reach.

For example, if you are targeting dentists or contractors, join their respective associations. Show up to their meetings, start learning about the key issues in their industry, and meet the target clients and the respective eco-system. This can help you build relationships and establish yourself as an expert in your niche.

Another low hanging fruit is asking about writing and speaking opportunities.

Many associations, conferences, and other events are always looking for experts to speak on topics related to their industries. This can be a great way to get your name out there, establish yourself as an authority in your niche, and generate leads for your accounting firm.

If you need more help with marketing, we have learning programs on both referrals and marketing. These programs can give you a better understanding of the best marketing strategies for accounting firms and how to implement them effectively.

Remember, marketing is a long-term game, and consistency is key. Stay the course, measure your results, and be consistent. Don't give up before you see the results of your efforts.

With a long-term marketing mindset and the right strategies, you can attract more target clients to your accounting firm and grow your business.


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About the Author:


Shannon Vincent has dedicated his entire career to working with accountants in various capacities. He has consulted with Top 100 firms to Sole Practitioners, helping them create sustainable and profitable businesses. A member of the California Society of CPAs, he received a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics with an emphasis in accounting from University of California, Santa Barbara, and now resides in the San Francisco Bay Area. Shannon is passionate about helping accountants reinvigorate their mindsets for the better.


About Renew Group:


Are you tired of being on the diet but not seeing results? Most consultants to the CPA Profession do lots of talking and deal in 'fluff'. But there's no accountability and no focus on RESULTS.

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