Renew Mindset for CPA Firms

ReNew Group case study

Shannon Vincent
October 15, 2021
minute read

Alabama CPA Ron Stokes is celebrating victory on numerous fronts!

Boutique firm Managing Partner, Ron, is one of ReNew Group’s latest participants in our ReNew Your Accounting Firm program and we’re thrilled to be able to share his comments.

“Over the past eight weeks, as I have studied your program and we began charting a new course, I set an action date of September 1.  A bit daunting as that date approached and I began rolling out new service agreements and pricing,” says Ron.

“As I forged ahead, I noticed a marked change in my mindset and enthusiasm about practising again.”

Ron admits that he’s not enjoyed this level of excitement and clarity about his professional purpose in quite some time.

Having now completed ReNew Your Accounting Firm the culmination, according to Ron, is allowing himself some much-needed permission and positivity.

“Today, I am celebrating a victory over chaos, noise and feeling overworked, underpaid and underappreciated!”

“As of August 1st, I am no longer billing by the hour.  I already feel as though I have more free time and more time to think and strategize and for time with my family.”

“I will only bring on target clients from this day forward.  I am also letting some clients go.  I am giving myself permission to win.  I have structured my ideal calendar on a daily and weekly basis and I plan to stick to that (barring a family need or emergency).”

“I am avoiding negative, energy-draining people and activities. I am also feeling healthier and more motivated to get even healthier.”

Ron has more peace of mind too.

“I am looking forward to practising in my renewed firm environment and for once, I am not dreading ‘busy season’,” Ron added.

“I can’t thank you enough for your mentorship, insight and guidance over the past 8 weeks.  Today is the day – today is the day I take back my firm and implement all I have learned so far in Renew Your Accounting Firm. Thank you!”

Read more about Ron at

Watch our introductory video about ReNew Your Accounting Firm at

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